Uri Bram
Author of Thinking Statistically. Publisher of The Browser. Writer of Book. Creator of Person Do Thing. General Factotum.
[email protected]
About Me
I make various kinds of things -- books, games, websites, &c -- out of noises from my brain. My dream job would have been Victorian Gentleman Inventor, but as a young man I messed this up by failing to be born wealthy in the 1800s.Nonetheless, I've endeavored to lead a life of adventure and misadventure, creating several wonderful things along the way. The common pattern among them is finding very simple ideas, rules and concepts that generate prettily-patterned outcomes.
I'm the co-founder of StoryHat, a consultancy which helps companies develop clear and engaging narratives. We work especially with startups raising a Series A or B, but if you're in any kind of business and would like to sharpen your story please do get in touch.
The Browser
Since 2018 I've been the Publisher and CEO of The Browser, probably the internet's finest curation and recommendation newsletter. Every day we read hundreds of articles and recommend five outstanding stories for you to enjoy, so you'll always have something fun to read on the train or argue about at dinner. Dexter Fillkins called us "an island of wonders, filled with treasure and surprise."
Person Do Thing
While travelling in far and mysterious lands, I invented a game called Person Do Thing: players use a very limited vocabulary of 40 simple words (like Person, Go, Place, Do and Thing) to try to describe more complicated, interesting words to their friends and relations. Everyone sounds like an idiot and everyone has a good time.You can play it online at persondothing.com
I designed the game Nomido , it's a fun little online letter game, I'm pretty pleased with it.
I made a strange little art project called Book, which tries to embody an argument about how we interact with books. You can buy a copy at bookisabook.com. It's been described as "one of the strangest and most singular reading experiences I've had" and also as "a semi-clever greeting card," you can decide for yourself.
Thinking Statistically
As a young writer/whippersnapper I composed a brief tome called Thinking Statistically, which tried to explain a few key statistical concepts for great success in business, love and everyday life.Thinking Statistically was named one of the 99 best business books ever in Josh Kaufman's popular bestseller The Personal MBA, and was later translated into Mandarin and Korean.
I have done many other things eventually, the margins of this website being too narrow to contain. I was the original creator of DaysOld.com, surely the internet's premier destination for finding out how many days old you are. I wrote articles for WIRED about Georgism, for The Atlantic about Hiccups, and for The Economist about dating apps. I'm working on a novel and inventing a physical thingumajig, to complete my Victorian Inventor credentials.
Get In Touch
If you've read this far, you should get in touch! Genuinely, it's a weird thing about the internet how many words get thrown into the void without ending in any kind of human interaction. Send me a one-line email at [email protected], or put in your email address below and I'll send you a thought just for you.
If you're getting in touch about book rights etc, my agent is Toby Mundy -- email him, you'll enjoy it.